Cookin Cookies

My kids love to bake, and they love to play board games...I thought this game Cookin' Cookies was perfect! My kids really enjoy this game, and I like it too since it takes around 5 minutes to play a game, and has been placed in our "Brain Breaks" bag, that we use to take a quick fun break from school to rest our minds.

Shepherding a Child's Heart

Thought I'd share another good book. This one's not so much for the kiddos, but for us moms and dads to read. I found it very helpful when it comes to raising children and disciplining them according to Gods way. Its tough to find a biblical sound book on parenting among the masses of parenting books on the subject, and in my opinion this book hit the spot. I feel more confident in my own parenting, and believe this book to be a great tool to have in home!

I would really love to hear your thought on this book if you have read it!

The Pumpkin Gospel!

I'm always trying to come up with ways to talk to my kiddos about Jesus. I was so lucky to find this book a few years back, we read it every year while carving pumpkins. Its a great way to include God's message during Halloween!

Homemade Play Dough!

We go through play dough like mad men! I like to take it our for the kids to play with while I'm busy making dinner, and somehow it rarely gets put back, and ends up drying out.
I searched around and tried out a few recipes before finding this one. Its obviously the one I like best...thats why I'm sharing it:) you can add your favorite extract, or essential oil to make a pretty smelling dough.

 You'll need:
1 c. Flour
1/2c. salt
1 tabl. oil
1 tabl. cream of tartar
1 c. water
food coloring
3-5 drops of your fav extract: coconut, vanilla, maple...

Mix together the dry ingredients in a non stick pot, stir in the liquid ingredients, and light the stove to medium heat. You'll want to stir constantly for 2-3 minutes until it forms a ball, then plop it on a clean surface and kneed it for a minute or so. It will be a little warm at this point so I suggest you do this, and let the kids watch. Place it in the frig for 5 min, and let the kids have at it! Give them some cookie cutters, play knives, popsicle sticks, rolling pins, and anything else you use to play with play dough!
When they're finished, place it in a zip lock, and store for later use!
I'll have to remember to post a picture next time I make it.